Sunday, February 24, 2013

Les Ballets Africains

Created in France in 1952 by the Guinean poet and choreographer Keita Fodeba, Les Ballets Africains was born in the middle of the fight of the African countries against colonialism. Created to showcase a vision of justice for Africa by giving witness to the humanity of the black man through its choreography, Les Ballets Africains was a model of African art & culture, illustrating the authentic personality of the continent of Africa.

The troupe was initially called Les Ballets Africains of Keita Fodeba. When the Republic of Guinea, an ancient colony of France, became independent in 1959, the name was changed by the first president, Ahmad Sekou Toure, to Les Ballets Africains, the National Ensemble of the Republic of Guinea, and endowed with the mission to be the “Ambassadors of Culture.”

During the past 50 years, Les Ballets Africains has experienced world-wide success & recognition, offering an artistic expression of the rich cultural traditions of Africa. It has been led by such visionaries as Amadou Cissoko, Samuel M’Carthy, Sekou Seacho, Frankis Magloire Camara, Hamidou Bangoura, and by Italo Zambo since 1988, who is currently a member of the World Forum of Arts.  The amazing ability of this troupe has made it one of the most prestigious ballet companies in the world. The passion & beauty of the African tradition that has become the hallmark of Les Ballet Africains will again be on display for the 50th year celebration.

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